oily hips | ˈoilē hips |
The ability to change direction quickly and efficiently.

Why Oily Hips? Because it’s my all-time favorite football scouting phrase, and that’s saying something! Football scouts, whew boy, they can turn a phrase with the best of them.

A deeper reason for the name, if you’re into that kind of thing, is the ability to quickly and efficiently change direction is just as important in life as it is on the football field. I just made that up, but you’ve got to admit it’s pretty good. Like, ninja monk sitting on a lonely mountainside contemplating the meaning of life good. Namaste.

What’s it about?

Oily Hips focuses everything through the lens of the Carolina Panthers, including the NFL Draft. You can expect a regular dose of original content as well as tracking anything Panthers related from around the web, social, podcasts, and video.

Oily Hips is a ecosystem of Panthers and NFL Draft coverage that includes this website and accompanying email newsletter—which you can subscribe to below—as well as a YouTube channel, TwiX (sorry, X), Instagram, and in the near future an audio podcast.

All you need to do is subscribe for free below, follow on TwiX for good measure, and you won’t miss a thing. If you want all the things—and let’s be honest, who doesn’t—go ahead and subscribe to the Oily Hips YouTube channel as well and keep your FOMO at bay.

Why subscribe?

Why not? Seriously, it’s free, so what’re you afraid of? You work hard, live a little. And if you subscribe you get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update. Do it. Do it now fraidy cat. I triple dog dare ya’.

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You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Plus, we’ll warn you before the zombie apocalypse (unless you’re a Falcons fan).


Subscribe to Oily Hips

Carolina Panthers & NFL Draft — Original articles as well as tracking anything Panthers related from around the web, social, podcasts, and video. You'll also find NFL Draft coverage focused through the lens of the Carolina Panthers.


Confused, but I'm trying.